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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-05-13
Parallel volunteering means that candidates can fill in more than one college volunteer when filling in the first time in a certain batch. The relationship between the multiple college volunteers is parallel or parallel. The filing principle is "score first, follow the volunteer". Four college volunteers are set up for undergraduate level parallel volunteers, that is, candidates' first volunteers can fill in four parallel college volunteers, namely a, B, C and D. when searching by computer, they are divided into liberal arts, regardless of colleges and universities, and immediately rank according to candidates' scores. Then, the computer searches each candidate's volunteers in turn according to the ranking order, That is to follow the principle of "score first".
Parallel volunteer means that if the first volunteer of the first batch of candidates does not reach the filing line of the selected school, the system will not continue to read the volunteers behind your first batch. If your score line reaches the pitching line of the first school you choose, you may be accepted by that school. If you are not admitted by the school, the system will automatically scan your volunteers below, so you may be admitted by the school below. If the first batch of schools do not admit you, the system will scan your second batch of volunteers after scanning all candidates' first batch of volunteers.
Detailed explanation of parallel voluntary filing admission process
First step ranking: all candidates who meet the score line of the batch will be ranked from high score to low score according to liberal arts and science, so that each candidate has his own position. That is to say, there is a queue for liberal arts and a queue for science. If the total score is the same in the order of Arts and science, the score of single subject will be taken as follows:
Liberal arts: Chinese, foreign language, mathematics, comprehensive
Science: mathematics, foreign language, Chinese, comprehensive
Step 2: search the file: the candidates file into the school database file. The computer will search the candidates from high score to low score one by one. The candidates who have been searched will search and judge the voluntary colleges and universities in turn. When the number of files that have been allocated by a college is less than the number of files that should be allocated, the files will be allocated to the archives database of the college. If the number of files in the University's archives has reached the number of files that should be put in, the next volunteer University will be searched and judged. Once a qualified university is found, the subsequent voluntary search will not be carried out.
Step 3 file: when the batch of all the candidates meet the conditions of the file retrieval, through the Internet to the good file to college.
This process is one-time and simultaneous. Colleges and universities can only see the candidates fill in their own college volunteer, can not see the candidates fill in other volunteer situation, for colleges and universities, all the candidates are the first volunteer to apply for the school.
Step 4 admission: this process is mainly carried out in Colleges and universities.
Colleges and universities admit candidates according to the enrollment regulations that have been announced to the society.
Step 5 confirmation: when colleges and universities determine the admission list, after the admission, the candidates who have been admitted will be sent back to the Municipal Education Examination Institute through the Internet for confirmation, and the admission procedures will be handled.
The files of the candidates who have not been admitted shall be sent back to the Municipal Education Examination Institute. By the city education examination institute notice this batch of online not admitted candidates to enter the volunteer link.
This article is provided by Shandong spring college entrance examination. Thank you for your reading. I hope the above content can help you. If you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: http://www.wanzhi100.com .

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