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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-07-04
Can I sign up for the spring and summer exams at the same time?
You can apply for both summer college entrance examination and spring college entrance examination. You should log in to the corresponding registration system and complete the registration procedures according to the respective procedures of the spring college entrance examination and the summer college entrance examination. The registration, examination and admission of the spring and summer college entrance examinations are carried out separately.
How to enroll if you apply for both?
Candidates who meet the admission requirements can be admitted at the same time by the spring college entrance examination and the summer college entrance examination. Students who are admitted to the spring college entrance examination and the summer college entrance examination at the same time must confirm the school and enter the school within the specified time, otherwise it will be regarded as giving up the admission qualification of the college entrance examination.
The spring college entrance examination focuses on students from secondary vocational and technical schools and ordinary high school students, and the summer college entrance examination focuses on all ordinary high school students. Many students are obsessed with the summer college entrance examination and the spring college entrance examination. They don't know which one to sign up for?
The summer college entrance examination adopts the 3+ comprehensive mode. 3 refers to the three subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English, among which mathematics fraction 1 (applicable to the research direction of Chinese literature and History) and mathematics 2 (applicable to the direction of science and Engineering); Comprehensive refers to the comprehensive learning subjects, which are divided into comprehensive 1 (applicable to various literary and historical majors) and comprehensive 2 (applicable to science and Engineering). Comprehensive 1 includes three subjects: ideology and politics, history and geography, and comprehensive 2 includes three subjects: Physics, chemistry and biology.
The spring college entrance examination subjects adopt the knowledge + skill mode, and the knowledge part takes 4 subjects, including Chinese, mathematics, English and professional theoretical knowledge; The skills section tests students' professional skills.
The teacher of Shandong Vocational Education College Entrance Examination Training reminds you that candidates can choose to participate in the spring college entrance examination or the summer college entrance examination according to their actual situation, or both. When registering, you should log in to the corresponding registration system and complete the registration procedures according to their respective procedures. Please fill in your registration information carefully to avoid mistakes!
The above is the relevant content of the question answer. I hope it can help you. If you still have any questions about this problem, you are welcome to follow our website http://www.wanzhi100.com And consult our staff, will serve you wholeheartedly.

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