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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-07-14
Spring college entrance examination before the balance of learning and rest, how reasonable and scientific balance of learning and rest is very important, the following is the spring test training school for students to arrange the study and rest activities at various times of the day, for reference only.
7:00—8:00:对一般人来说,疲劳已消除,头脑很清醒,体力亦充沛,是学习的黄金时段。这时候可要好好抓紧,做一些理科计算题纯粹是浪费时间,根本没有效果,我一般这个时候会默写英语单词,看文学常识,不要死记硬背,看就行了,不要一大早就和自己过不去,脑子还要留着干别的事。另外,这个时候也可以安排一下对功课的全 面记忆复习。
7: 00-8:00: for ordinary people, fatigue has been eliminated, their mind is very clear, and their physical strength is also abundant, which is the prime time for learning. At this time, we should pay close attention to it. Doing some science calculation problems is a waste of time and has no effect at all. I usually write English words silently at this time, read literature knowledge, don't memorize them by rote, just look at them, don't get stuck with myself in the early morning, and I have to keep my mind for other things. In addition, this time can also arrange a comprehensive review of the lesson memory.
8: 00-9:00: at this time, people's endurance is in a very good state, and it's a good time to officially accept various "tests". Can arrange the difficult content
9: 00-11:00: in the experiment, the effect of short-term memory is wonderful. We can get twice the result with half the effort by making a surprise attack on the "rush to remember" and the things that are about to be assessed
13: 00-14:00: people are prone to fatigue after meals, especially in summer. Take a rest and adjust. Keep your energy and energy, and keep your spirit, so that you can fight again. Rest depends on personal habits. Anyway, how comfortable it is, playing is a way to relax, mainly in spirit. It's very comfortable to listen to light music and do relaxation exercises.
15:00—16:00:调整后精神又振,试验表明,哈,又是“试验”。此时长期记忆效果特棒。午休切莫过长,要不就对不起这“二次时间段”(相对于清晨而言)可合理安排那些需要“永 久记忆”的东西。
15: 00-16:00: after the adjustment, the spirit is revived. The test shows that ha, it's a "test" again. At this time, the effect of long-term memory is excellent. Lunch break should not be too long, or the "second time period" (relative to the morning) can reasonably arrange those things that need "permanent memory".
17: 00-18:00: This is a good time to complete complicated calculation and hard work. If it is properly arranged, one can be used as two( Because it's different from school time, it's better to use it in the review of the previous month. And before meals, people's blood will be concentrated in the stomach, the brain is not active.
After dinner. It varies from person to person, and individuals should make proper arrangements according to their own situation. Try to relax before you start to learn. Watch the news, sports news and TV programs without plot, in order to get rid of selfish thoughts. It can be divided into two or three periods of time, five hours of language, mathematics, foreign language and professional courses; It's difficult to distinguish between them.
“苟有恒,何必三更眠五更起;无益,莫过一日曝十日寒”对于学习来讲,除了要对一年以来复习备考的时间要统筹安排外,合理安排每日时间,较大效率得提高复习效果尤为重要。一定要做到“心无旁骛,持之以恒”这时候再三天打鱼两天晒网就是彻 底放弃。
"Gou Youheng, why sleep in the third night and rise in the fifth; For learning, in addition to the overall arrangement of the review time for the past year, it is particularly important to reasonably arrange the daily time to improve the review effect. We must do "no distractions, perseverance" at this time, three days fishing, two days drying net is to give up completely.
Students with good learning efficiency never need to stay up late to review. In many cases, the effect of staying up late is not obvious. On the contrary, they are so depressed that they even have no spirit in class the next day, which affects the learning efficiency in class. Smart students don't like staying up late. We should all be smart candidates.

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