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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-07-16
How to improve learning power?
1. You may as well set some time restrictions for yourself. It's easy to get bored when you study for a long time. At this time, you can divide your homework into several parts and limit the time of each part. For example, you can finish this exercise within one hour, finish the test before eight o'clock and so on. This will not only help you improve your power, but also avoid fatigue. If possible, gradually shorten the time used, and you will soon find that the homework you couldn't finish in an hour before is finished in 40 minutes now.
Don't review the same subject all night. Practice has proved that it is not only easy to fatigue, but also has poor effect. In addition to very important content, there is no need to take very detailed notes in class. If you are busy taking notes in class, the power of listening to the class will not be high. Besides, you can't guarantee that you will read the notes after class. The first task in class should be to digest and absorb the teacher's lecture, and make some brief notes appropriately.
3. Don't do other things or think about other things together while studying. Everyone can understand the reason that concentration can't be used twice, but there are still many students listening to music while learning. Maybe you will say that listening to music is a good way to relax your nerves. Then you can concentrate on your study and listen to music for a quarter of an hour. This is better than doing your homework with headphones.
How to improve learning power in senior three?
1. Make a good plan
No power students, because never do the program. Students who have a plan will go step by step according to the plan, the power of review will be improved, and the results will rise steadily. Making a plan is important for improving learning power. It will make students' learning more organized.
The demand emphasizes that if you have a plan, you have to finish it according to the plan. If you only have a plan, but don't do it according to the plan, the plan is just like farting. Of course, it doesn't mean that the exact time has to be finished according to the plan, because there may be other things delayed. Therefore, it is advocated that the students' plan should be reasonable and not impetuous. If you can't finish your plan personally, you can also ask teachers or parents to assist in supervision.
2. Use your free time
Many students feel that their time is not enough, either with the teacher review, or in the process of doing the problem. In fact, students, you should know that when you do this, other students do the same. But why other students make progress faster than you is because they will make use of their spare time.
The so-called idle time is not to let you stay up late at night, which is unwise. Spare time is the spare time, or the lunch break time, these moments can effectively help students improve their achievements.

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