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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-07-23
The spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination fill in volunteers together. The spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination are also the same model. Parallel volunteers are implemented. So, what is parallel volunteer? What are the benefits of parallel volunteering? Next, Shandong spring college entrance examination teachers sort out the information.
Parallel volunteer is a new model of college entrance examination volunteer, that is, a volunteer includes several parallel colleges and universities. It means that when filling in the college entrance examination volunteers, candidates can fill in the volunteers of several parallel colleges in the designated batch at the same time. The spring college entrance examination parallel volunteer is to first rank the candidates of this category according to their filing scores from high to low, and then search the volunteers filled in by the candidates in order. When the retrieved college enrollment plan is not full, the student will be voted for the college, reflecting the "score first and follow the principle of volunteerism".
What are the advantages of parallel volunteering?
一是降低了考生填报志愿的心里压力和风险。实行平行志愿填报,考生可以同时填报多所院校志愿选择的空间增 大、风险降低,这样才能够减轻考生填报志愿时的紧张、焦虑情绪,并且减少志愿填报中的投机心里,有利于考生根据自己的分数、兴趣爱好和特长填报志愿。
First, it reduces the psychological pressure and risk of candidates filling in volunteers. By implementing parallel voluntary reporting, candidates can report to multiple colleges and universities at the same time. The space for voluntary selection is increased and the risk is reduced. Only in this way can they reduce the tension and anxiety of candidates when reporting to volunteer, and reduce the speculative mind in voluntary reporting, which is conducive to candidates to report to volunteer according to their own scores, interests and specialties.
Second, it improves the filing rate in the process of enrollment and reduces the phenomenon of file shortage in Colleges and universities. The vast majority of colleges and universities can complete the enrollment plan at one time, reduce the phenomenon of neutral or out of gear, and effectively avoid the phenomenon of large and small years in the process of college enrollment. At the same time, colleges and universities should be informed of the simulated filing situation before parallel voluntary filing. Colleges and universities can appropriately increase plans according to the source of students and recruit excellent students, which is conducive to the selection of talents in Colleges and universities.
Third, it improves the volunteer satisfaction of candidates and reduces the undesirable phenomenon of recording. When choosing colleges and universities, candidates hope to choose more colleges and universities. The implementation of parallel volunteering meets the needs of candidates, so that candidates can fill in a variety of colleges and universities at the same time, and there is more space for candidates to express their wishes. The vast majority of candidates can be recorded in the colleges and universities selected when filling in volunteers, so as to effectively reduce the phenomenon of recording non expectations. This effectively improves the enrollment rate of Freshmen in Colleges and universities and reduces the repetition phenomenon of admitted candidates.

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