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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-01-13
In the process of sunshine map interpretation, whether the partial map is converted to the overall map or the combined map is converted to the common map, the following two aspects should be paid attention to during the conversion:
1. When drawing a new transformation diagram, be sure to clarify the spatial relationship of points, lines and surfaces on the diagram. To sum up, it mainly includes:
(1) The sun's rays at the earth's axis and direct point must pass through the earth's center.
(2) The plane shown by the sunlight is the ecliptic plane, which forms an included angle of 23 ° 26 'with the equatorial plane.
(3) Each weft coil is parallel to the equator and perpendicular to each longitude.
(4) Each meridian intersects the north and south poles.
(5) The morning twilight line can be perpendicular or oblique to each weft line; It can also be tangent and separated from the weft lines in the polar circle (polar day or night appear on the polar circle); Bisector the equator (i.e. the longitude difference between the two intersections of the equator and the morning dusk line is 180 °, i.e. the equator bisects day and night); It can skew or coincide with each meridian.
(6) The morning twilight line divides the intersecting weft coils into day arc and night arc, and the day and night length of the weft can be determined according to the length (longitude) of day arc and night arc; If it is perpendicular to each latitude line, the morning twilight line must pass through the north and south poles, and the global day and night equinox on that day.
2. Grasp the conversion of time points. Precautions during conversion mainly include:
(1) Day and night are always equinox on the equator. The intersection position of the morning twilight line and the equator can be found in the new map through time calculation (6:00, 18:00) or longitude interpretation.
(2) For the determination of the tangent position of the morning twilight line and the latitude coil, the longitude can be calculated through the tangent time (12:00, 0:00 or 24:00), and then the latitude can be determined through the direct point position.
(3) After the intersection of the morning twilight line and the equator and the tangent point of the latitude coil are determined, it can be connected with a smooth curve, but it should be noted that the sun light is always perpendicular to the morning twilight line.
(4) The direct point of the sun is always between the Tropic of cancer, and the point tangent to the weft coil is always on and within the polar circle.

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