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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-01-17
Ignore textbooks and pay no attention to the foundation
Ten thousand high-rise buildings rise from the ground, and the standing of high-rise buildings does not fall, which lies in the firmness of the cornerstone. The best source of foundation is textbooks, which is the foundation.
Many people think that the textbook is very simple, just a few theorems and formulas. After reciting them, they can no longer read them, so they try their best to do problems and learn to apply them. In fact, you are right, but you still don't know how to use it after a large number of questions are finished. Why? Because I don't know where the essence of theorem formula is.
The theorem is not simply a few words. It also includes the ideas, methods, applicable types and so on. For example, the proof of Rolle's theorem is used in many calculation problems and multiple-choice problems; The constructor in the proof problem uses the function construction method to prove the Lagrange mean value theorem. These basic knowledge is the most basic and the most essential thing. We must master it.
Poor planning ability, no planning
As the old saying goes, "if you are prepared, you will be established, and if you are not prepared, you will be abandoned." Make a plan for everything, including several time stages of the whole postgraduate entrance examination mathematics review, what books to read at each stage, how many tasks to complete every day, etc. These should be formulated at the beginning of the review.
But also according to the actual situation and review progress, usually summarize more, and often make some adjustments and improvements. At ordinary times, we should stipulate that we should complete the tasks according to the plan. First, we can make our review progress more planned, and second, we can restrain our inertia. Therefore, the compatriots who have not made a plan had better spend an hour to make a review plan for the postgraduate entrance examination.
Ignore the practical ability, just look and don't do it
It may be because there are too many materials and too little time, or it may be laziness. After buying the materials, many people just read in a hurry without practicing. When they see the problem clearly, they turn it over, resulting in high eyes and low hands. The nature of mathematics is a rigorous discipline, which can not tolerate any mistakes. Before we have established a complete knowledge structure, it is bound to be difficult to grasp the key points of the topic and ignore the subtleties.
Click to view: summary and review materials of high school mathematics knowledge points
Moreover, through hands-on practice, we can also standardize the answer mode and improve the proficiency of problem solving and operation. The amount of questions for three hours is itself an investigation of computing ability and proficiency, and now the marking is given step by step. How to answer effectively should be realized through our own continuous exploration. Understanding the problem does not mean that the problem will be done. In fact, if you really start, you will encounter many problems. Solving these problems is the process of improving yourself.
Looking for a needle in a haystack
The purpose of doing questions is to deepen the understanding of the whole knowledge through the questions and connect them organically, so as to achieve the purpose of understanding knowledge and using knowledge. Mathematics learning is inseparable from problem-solving. In the review process, it is very necessary for us to deeply understand the connotation and extension of abstract knowledge points through problem-solving.
But don't forget that the most fundamental purpose is to understand the knowledge points and form our own organic knowledge structure. Therefore, the idea and purpose of doing questions must be from understanding to doing questions to induction and then back to understanding. In addition, it is necessary to do some topics to increase proficiency, but if it exceeds this limit, it is not necessary to make topic doing a mechanized labor.
Remember, the key to improve mathematical thinking and mathematical ability is to have a clear goal and think deeply at all times. The key to mathematics learning lies in understanding. Problems can't be finished, and the changes of problem types can't be exhausted. However, what can't change is the knowledge points it needs to use. As long as it really grasps the knowledge points, it is the real purpose of learning and can get good results.
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