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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-01-11
Difficulty falling asleep leads to a decline in learning efficiency the next day, resulting in a variety of emotional reactions, which seriously affects later sleep. It is a problem faced by many college entrance examination candidates. For students whose problems are not very serious, you can try the following methods to adjust their sleep:
Create a good sleep environment.
Every day before you go to bed, create a sleeping environment for yourself, such as dim lights, soft music, clean bedding, and you can also put some essential oils on it, so that the surrounding areas are full of dark and should rest. Have a good sleep.
Five ways to effectively regulate sleep
Take a deep breath and do relaxation exercises.
You can do some relaxation exercises when you can't sleep. Inhale deeply and slowly. After inhaling enough gas, stop for a moment, and then exhale slowly. It should be slow and uniform, repeated several times, so as to relax the body. In this way, it can have an effect on less serious insomnia.
Counting slowly helps sleep.
The well-known counting method is also a good method. You can count slowly, you can count sheep, or something else. But no matter what you count, there are three main points we must remember: what you use to count must be boring and do not need to use your brain to remember; Count slowly and slowly, preferably more and more slowly; When counting, you don't have to think about it. Count naturally. This is effective.
Use the method of psychological adjustment.
If the above methods do not work, it shows that insomnia is related to the degree of psychological stability to some extent. You can use the method of psychological adjustment: find out your current shortcomings and the most worried problems, and then plan. Half a month before the exam, candidates think about what deficiencies and problems they have, what else they can do, what degree they can do, and what it is impossible to make up for. After making this clear, you don't have to worry about these. Feel at ease and review what you already know and master carefully. There will be regrets in any exam. As long as you play well, you will win. No longer worried about the exam, of course I can sleep well.
Rely on outside help.
For serious insomnia, you can pay attention to what kind of thoughts or feelings often appear in your mind during insomnia. Write them down and see whether these problems can be solved by yourself the next day. If you can, solve these problems in reality. If not, please ask a psychologist in time, Solve problems with outside help.
Thank you for reading. Source of this article: Jinan spring college entrance examination. For more contents and questions, please click: http://www.wanzhi100.com We will continue to work hard to provide you with services. Thank you for your support!

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