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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-05-21
山东春季高考是缓解夏季一次高考对考生的压力,带给考生更多的接受高等教育机会的高考。有利于延缓社会就业的压力,为全 面实施素质教育创造了宽松的环境、有利于提高办学效益,促进高校加快教学和管理等方面的改革。春季高考与传统的夏季高考不尽相同,其主要特点有两个方面:
Shandong spring college entrance examination is to ease the pressure of a summer college entrance examination on candidates and bring them more opportunities to receive higher education. It helps to delay the pressure of social employment, create a relaxed environment for the full implementation of quality education, improve the efficiency of running a school, and accelerate the reform of teaching and management in Colleges and universities. The spring college entrance examination is different from the traditional summer college entrance examination in two aspects
First, universities have more autonomy. We have the right to adjust the enrollment plan, and the enrollment quota can be appropriately expanded if the quality of students is good and the school conditions permit. Secondly, candidates have more choices. In addition to all kinds of colleges and universities and high school students who are recognized by our country, those who meet the relevant regulations can choose to participate in the spring college entrance examination in addition to the summer college entrance examination.
Is spring college entrance examination the same as higher vocational single enrollment
1.招生对象不同:春季高考重 点为面向中等职业学校毕业生,同时面向普通高中毕业生的统一招生考试。由统一命题,统一组织考试,主要为高职院校选拔合格生源。但是,普通高中毕业生也可兼报普通高考。高职单招报名对象:已经参加普通高等学校春、夏季招生报名的考生均有资格参加各院校招生。
1. Different enrollment objects: the spring college entrance examination focuses on the unified enrollment examination for secondary vocational school graduates and ordinary high school graduates. By unifying the proposition, unifying the organization examination, mainly selects the qualified student source for the higher vocational colleges. However, ordinary high school graduates can also apply for the college entrance examination. Single enrollment object of Higher Vocational Education: candidates who have enrolled in spring and summer enrollment of ordinary colleges and universities are eligible to enroll in various colleges and universities.
2. Different registration places: the spring college entrance examination is registered in the education examination institute; Higher vocational single enrollment students need to apply for the college entrance examination in the official website.
3. Different ways of voluntary filling: the spring college entrance examination is to fill in the voluntary after the examination, while the higher vocational single enrollment is to choose the college you like before the examination.

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