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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-01-20
The importance of spring exam guidance for every student is well known, so in the first week of school, every school will hold a mobilization meeting for the whole grade, and every head teacher and every teacher will also boost the morale of students. In the face of all kinds of voices, students may be at a loss and fall into a nervous state. Here, Shandong spring college entrance examination guidance class reminds you that as long as you grasp the five principles carefully, you can successfully complete the learning task of spring college entrance examination and achieve good results.
1、 Recognize your position
It's very important for spring candidates to position themselves correctly. The correct cognition of their overall situation will directly affect the review rhythm of the whole academic year. Shandong spring college entrance examination tutorial class emphasizes that some students may feel that there is little hope of entering a good school, so they can concentrate on mastering basic knowledge, not to waste time on difficult and strange questions, let alone immerse themselves in the "sea of questions tactics". The basic points still account for a large proportion in the spring exam, so we should ensure that we do not lose the points that we should get. Moreover, if we are proficient in basic questions, we will also face more difficult questions More flexible, more possibilities for progress.
2、 Never put the cart before the horse and never give up textbooks
Many students will plunge into all kinds of exercises after entering the Shandong spring college entrance examination tutorial class, and put the textbooks aside. In fact, this is not correct. Because when I first entered the spring college entrance examination tutorial class, I blindly did comprehensive exercises before I finished my studies. In fact, it was a behavior that encouraged me. I only learned 80% of the knowledge, but I had to do 100% of the test papers. The effect would not be good, and the results would affect the students' confidence. It is very inappropriate. Therefore, I suggest that we should study steadily according to the textbooks, step by step, so that we can walk steadily Go far.
3、 Grasp the weak part of yourself
Each student's mastery of knowledge points varies greatly, so we should make a review plan suitable for ourselves, starting from the weak links. After the overall positioning of their own level, we should fully understand the mastery of various knowledge points, such as reading or cloze filling in the weak position of English, solid geometry or combination of numbers and shapes in mathematics. Targeted review is an effective review. Shandong spring college entrance examination guidance class said that students should not be afraid of difficulties and leave the weak points behind. It is often too late to leave the weak points behind. The weak parts will only be more vulnerable. The knowledge points of spring college entrance examination are often linked. A weak point will involve many types of questions and affect the answers to comprehensive questions.
4、 Correctly understand the function of examination
Students who have experienced the guidance of college entrance examination in spring will be deeply impressed by the frequent examinations in this year: weekly examination, monthly examination, three mock examinations, graduation examination, mid-term / final examination, joint examination and so on. Xiaobian reminds the examinees not to be led by the nose by so many exams. Simulation test or quiz is just an evaluation method, which can not fully represent the actual level. If the students follow the exam and prepare hard for each big and small exam, the original review rhythm will be disrupted, but the effect will not be very good. It is better to review according to their own experience It's better for the weekly and monthly examinations to follow the rhythm.
5、 Cherish your time
Every minute of learning in the spring exam is precious. It's a waste to spend any minute on useless things. Cherish your time and energy, and spend the time of preparing for the spring exam.
Another big puzzle for spring candidates is that it is difficult to choose from a wide range of teaching references and teaching aids. Some teachers will recommend several teaching aids all at once, which is actually unreasonable. There are many overlaps between the books. There is little difference in the effect of doing three teaching aids and five teaching aids at the same time, and it is a waste of time.

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