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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-08-30
春季高考以中等职业学校教学毕业生为重 点,共同面向普通高中教学毕业生进行招生考试。近年来,不断增加的普通高中生也参加了春季高考的大本营,并与中等职业学校学生竞争春季考试蛋糕。春季高考魅力渐增的缘由究竟是什么呢?
The spring college entrance examination focuses on the teaching graduates of secondary vocational schools and jointly carries out the enrollment examination for the teaching graduates of ordinary high schools. In recent years, an increasing number of ordinary high school students have also participated in the base camp of the spring college entrance examination, and compete with secondary vocational school students for the spring examination cake. What is the reason for the increasing charm of the college entrance examination in spring?
One is: flexible course selection method.
春季高考为给考生供给宽广的专 业挑选空间,本年的专 业种类共分为19个供考生挑选。例如信息技术、保养、医药、土建、商贸、财经、机械和电工电子等专 业,每个专 业种类都是抢手专 业,都具有杰出的开展前景,考生能够根据自个的优势专长灵敏挑选。
In order to provide candidates with broad professional selection space in the spring college entrance examination, the professional types of this year are divided into 19 for candidates to choose. For example, the majors of information technology, maintenance, medicine, civil engineering, commerce and trade, finance and economics, machinery, electrician and electronics are all popular majors with outstanding development prospects. Candidates can be selected sensitively according to their own advantages and specialties.
The second is: constantly adding undergraduate enrollment programs.
It must be the attraction of undergraduate education that can catch the attention of candidates. In order to further broaden and innovate the growth path of talents, open up the rising path of students, and improve the education of secondary vocational teaching students, more and more undergraduate colleges and universities have participated in the spring college entrance examination, and the undergraduate enrollment plan has been gradually added.
Three are: the spring college entrance examination is constantly changing and becoming more and more mature.
Now the spring college entrance examination is no longer just a vest in the past. In addition, the spring college entrance examination of technical examination has gradually found its own positioning. In the four-year fermentation process, it has been continuously improved and improved. After successfully attracting the eyes of ordinary college students, it does not endanger the rising space of secondary vocational students.
Four are: lower score threshold.
春季高考不同于夏考,考试难度系数仅相当于夏考难度的60%,不考文理综,采取“常识”“技术”的考试形式,前者包含语、数、外和专 业课理论,简略好学;后者调查学生的专 业技术,技术课操作简略,短时间内能够习得。
The spring college entrance examination is different from the summer examination. The difficulty coefficient of the examination is only 60% of the difficulty of the summer examination. The examination form of "common sense" and "technology" is adopted. The former includes language, number, foreign language and professional course theory, which is simple and easy to learn; The latter investigates students' professional technology. The operation of technical courses is simple and can be learned in a short time.

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