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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-05-28
What should vocational education be familiar with before the college entrance examination? I believe that students who know the college entrance examination have encountered this problem, so what is the answer? Now let's take a look.
Be familiar with the location of the test site
For candidates who do not take the test in their own school, it is particularly important to be familiar with the test site, the location of the test site, the traffic environment and the means of transportation to be selected, and estimate the time required for the journey.
Be familiar with the location of the examination room
You need to find the examination room you are taking the exam according to the examination room number marked on the "admission ticket", remember which building, floor and room you are in, from the design center at the entrance of the examination room to the waiting area, and then to the examination room. Avoid confusion, delay in entering the examination room or going to the wrong examination room.
Be familiar with the test site environment and facilities
According to the requirements of the college entrance examination for vocational education, the examination site is equipped with a waiting room for candidates, an infirmary, a consulting service office, a public toilet, a parking space for vehicles, as well as emergency evacuation routes and safety areas. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the location of these venues so that they can be quickly located when needed
Be familiar with the examination rules and discipline
Carefully accept the examination style and integrity education before the examination, and be familiar with the specific contents of relevant examination regulations and examination room rules again, so as to avoid being punished for illegal examination.
Answer sheets, test papers and drafts shall not be taken out of the examination room
Candidates who hand in their papers in advance can leave the examination room only after the invigilator has checked the test papers and answer cards and obtained the consent of the invigilator. After the formal examination, the examinee shall put the test paper and answer card on the desk, and leave the examination room only after the invigilator has collected the test paper and the answer card is correct. Candidates are not allowed to bring out answer sheets, test papers, draft papers, etc., or they will be disqualified.
Answer and handover on time
Those who answer questions before the test start signal or after the test end signal is sent will be regarded as violations. 60 minutes after the official test starts, candidates can leave the examination room after handing in the test paper. The paper can be handed in 30 minutes before the end of each subject examination.
Precautions after submission
Candidates shall not leave the examination room until the invigilator has counted the test papers and the answer sheets are correct when handing them in.
In addition, the vocational education college entrance examination is not only online registration, but also a lot of procedures to go. After all, this is an examination related to fairness and justice and the future of candidates. Therefore, in order to complete the registration of vocational education college entrance examination, candidates should pay attention to some notices or policy interpretation before registration, so as to prevent errors in the registration of vocational education college entrance examination.
For more information about the college entrance examination, you can follow our website www.wanzhi100 Www. 68mn. Com, we can give you some reasonable suggestions in terms of learning or signing up for volunteer work!

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