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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-03-09
1. Reasonable allocation of time: science is integrated into three disciplines, which is allocated according to the score. Biology takes 30 to 35 minutes to complete, chemistry takes 50 to 55 minutes to complete, physics takes 1 hour to complete, and the rest is mobile time, which is the most reasonable arrangement.
2. In the order of answering questions, according to the subjects they are good at, first do simple questions in various subjects, and then do difficult subjects, but try not to answer questions in different subjects.
3. The speed should not be too fast. Mark the uncertain questions at any time. Review the questions carefully in the future. There should be a basis for whether the options are determined or not. Make full use of the characteristics of single choice and make good use of exclusion and reasoning. After the multiple-choice questions are finished, some of the test questions should be rechecked. Due to the influence of psychological factors at the beginning of the exam, the error rate of the first three questions is often high, so they must be rechecked, and other marked questions to be rechecked.
4. Read the paper carefully. You should see and understand every sentence and every key hint. You can make a simple sketch. When carefully examining the questions, you should clarify the examination intention of the questions through observation, comparison, analysis, reasoning and synthesis. The writing should be standardized and the expression should be clear.
5. The text description of the comprehensive test question may be a complex movement process, which can be divided into several different stages. In each stage, there may be the known quantity given in the question, or the quantity not given in the question may be hidden, or the scene may be depicted by drawing.

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