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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-02-15
1. Strengthen the "three foundations" and consolidate the foundation
The so-called "Three Basics" refers to basic knowledge, basic skills and basic mathematical thinking methods. From the mathematics test questions of the college entrance examination in recent years, it can be seen that "living questions, test basis and test ability" are still the dominant idea of the proposition. Therefore, when reviewing, we should pay attention to strengthening the training of "three basic" questions. Don't be eager for success, aim high, grasp the advanced and lose the basic.
Candidates should deepen their understanding, mastery and application of the "Three Basics". The focus of the reform of college entrance examination questions is to change from "knowledge conception" to "ability conception". The mathematical subject ability requirements put forward in the examination outline are: ability refers to thinking ability, computing ability, spatial imagination ability, practical ability and innovative consciousness.
The abilities of mathematics subject proposed in the new curriculum standard are: the ability to raise, analyze and solve problems mathematically, the ability of mathematical inquiry, the ability of mathematical modeling, the ability of mathematical communication, the ability of mathematical practice and the ability of mathematical thinking.
When reviewing the basic knowledge, candidates should grasp the connection and integration between the contents of various parts of the subject, and re combine them, so as to form a relatively complete structure for the understanding of the knowledge learned, so as to achieve the state of "pulling one hair and moving the whole body".
To strengthen the training of basic skills, we should overcome the phenomenon of "high vision and low hand", mainly focus on quick calculation, language expression, problem solving, reflection and correction, and try not to lose or lose some points that should not be lost. We should pay attention to the penetration of basic mathematical thinking methods in daily training and gradually improve students' thinking ability.
Consolidate the basic skills of problem solving. A basic point of college entrance examination review is to consolidate the basic skills of problem-solving, and a one-sided approach to this problem is to only focus on the knowledge factors of problem-solving. In fact, the benefit of problem-solving depends on a variety of factors, among which the most basic are: knowledge factors, ability factors, experience factors and non intelligence factors of problem-solving. In addition to knowledge errors, students also have logical errors, strategic errors and psychological errors.
Mathematics college entrance examination has always attached importance to the ability of operation. The operation should be skilled and accurate, simple and rapid, and the operation should be combined with reasoning. It should be reasonable. In the review, we should consciously develop the good habit of writing standard and accurate expression.
Comprehensively review, systematically sort out knowledge, check omissions and fill vacancies, and optimize knowledge structure
This is the key problem that should be solved in the first stage of review. Candidates should firmly grasp the following points in this process: ① accurate and substantive understanding of concepts; ② Proficiency and preliminary application of basic skills and methods; ③ The forward and inverse derivation and application of formulas and theorems should pay attention to the mutual connection, deformation and clever use.
Through the efforts of this stage of comprehensive review, we should meet the following requirements: ① understand or master the concept according to the outline requirements; ② Be able to understand or independently complete the theorem proof in the textbook; ③ Be able to skillfully solve the examples and exercises in textbooks; ④ Be able to briefly state the type and main solution of each unit problem; ⑤ Form a reasonable structure of systematic knowledge and standardize problem-solving steps.
The direct benefit of this stage is to do well in the HKCEE, and its fundamental purpose is to prepare the material basis for the improvement of mathematical quality. Only by doing a good job of comprehensive review can we talk about flexibility and comprehensiveness, and adapt to the characteristics of more points and wide coverage of the college entrance examination.
The basic method of review at this stage is from large to small, from coarse to fine. The knowledge points and knowledge fragments divided and taught in teaching are organized into knowledge chain, knowledge system and knowledge structure, so as to integrate the contents of various subjects; Systematization of basic knowledge; Basic method typing; Standardize problem solving steps. Among them, supplemented by lines, tables, formulas, etc., have been proved to be beneficial, and the "exercise based" review technology has also been proved to be successful, such as filling in the blanks of basic contents, judgment of basic concepts, series connection of basic formulas, and selection of basic operations.
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