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当前位置:首页 - 职教高考政策
来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-01-19
1、 Examination subjects
The examination subjects of vocational college entrance examination in Shandong Province are composed of knowledge and skills. "Knowledge" part includes Chinese (120 points), mathematics (120 points), English (80 points), professional knowledge (200 points), professional skills (230 points), with a total score of 750 points. The examination time is in March every year to test skills, in May to test culture class.
2、 Students for vocational college entrance examination
In 2022, the spring college entrance examination will be upgraded to vocational education college entrance examination, focusing on secondary vocational school students and some social examinees. Ordinary fresh graduates can no longer sign up for the spring college entrance examination.
After upgrading the vocational education college entrance examination, it also has the following advantages:
Shandong provincial government has decided to transform about half of provincial undergraduate universities into application-oriented ones. Meanwhile, learning from foreign school running modes, Shandong provincial government actively explores the construction of applied technology universities with newly established undergraduate colleges, independent colleges and high-quality vocational colleges as the main body. At that time, the channels for secondary vocational school students to enter high-quality undergraduate colleges and universities through vocational education college entrance examination will be smooth and the number will increase year by year.
What are the advantages of Shandong spring college entrance examination after upgrading vocational education college entrance examination
After the implementation of the college entrance examination system of vocational education, the undergraduate enrollment plan of vocational education college entrance examination will gradually reach 30% of the undergraduate enrollment plan of application-oriented universities, providing more opportunities for vocational college students to enter application-oriented universities. This means that the number of undergraduate enrollment of vocational education college entrance examination in Shandong Province will increase year by year. By 2022, the enrollment rate of vocational college entrance examination will increase from 10000 to 70000. The enrollment rate of vocational college entrance examination will increase, and the attraction will continue to expand. Vocational school students will have more and more opportunities for further study.
山东万智春考学校拥有雄厚的师资力量、完善的办学条件、先进的教育理念和规范的教学管理,为春季高考生提供强有力的支撑;要了解更多的产品及更详细的精彩内容,请关注我们的网站:春季高考培训http://www.wanzhi100.com  您的惠顾是对我们很大的支持
Shandong Wanzhi spring examination school has abundant teachers, perfect school running conditions, advanced education ideas and standardized teaching management, which provide strong support for the spring college entrance examination students. To learn more about the products and more detailed wonderful contents, please pay attention to our website: spring college entrance examination training http://www.wanzhi100.com   Your patronage is a great support to us

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