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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-10-13
As we all know, the spring college entrance examination is simpler than the summer college entrance examination, with less examination content, less difficulty, less competition and high admission rate. The greater advantage of the spring college entrance examination is that it can easily enter undergraduate colleges and universities. Spring college entrance examination Chinese, mathematics, English, professional skills, professional theory, so what is the spring college entrance examination? Can you still participate in the spring college entrance examination after being admitted to the spring college entrance examination? Next, the spring college entrance examination teacher will explain these two questions.
The spring college entrance examination is a college entrance examination that alleviates the pressure of the summer college entrance examination on candidates and gives candidates more opportunities to receive higher education. The spring college entrance examination is conducive to delaying the pressure of social employment, creating a loose environment for the full implementation of quality education, improving school running efficiency, and Promoting Colleges and universities to speed up the reform of teaching and management. The spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination are the regular college entrance examination held by Shandong education enrollment examination institute according to China's policies.
Shandong spring college entrance examination
The spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination can be reported at the same time. After participating in the spring college entrance examination, students can also participate in the summer college entrance examination. There are two college entrance examinations and multiple admission opportunities. The spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination fill in the volunteers at the same time, so there is no problem that the candidates can still participate in the summer college entrance examination after the spring college entrance examination. After participating in the spring college entrance examination, they can also fill in the volunteers. However, there will be a double admission process after that. Students must choose one of the two schools.
The above is the information sorted out by the college entrance examination teachers in Shandong spring. I hope it can help the majority of candidates. I wish the majority of candidates to enter the ideal university.

上一条 : 春季高考和普通高考有什么区别?

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