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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-06-20
In recent years, the popularity of the spring college entrance examination is getting higher and higher. More and more people take part in the spring college entrance examination just to have a chance to enter the undergraduate course. Many students who do not have ideal results choose the spring college entrance examination. So what is the spring college entrance examination? What's the difference between spring college entrance examination and summer college entrance examination? The following small series for some common questions were answered.
What is the spring college entrance examination?
春季高考是缓解夏季一次高考对考生的压力,带给考生更多接受高等教育机会的高考。 山东春季高考是与夏季高考同等性质的国家考试。
The spring college entrance examination is to relieve the pressure of the summer college entrance examination on candidates, and bring them more opportunities to receive higher education. Shandong spring college entrance examination is a national examination of the same nature as summer college entrance examination.
Is spring college entrance examination the same as summer college entrance examination?
Through the spring entrance examination into undergraduate colleges and universities and through the summer entrance examination into undergraduate colleges and universities are treated the same. They all have the same teachers, the same teaching, the same living environment, including awards. More importantly, the diploma and degree certificate issued after graduation are the same, and have the same gold content.
3. 春季高考考什么?
3. What does the college entrance examination take in spring?
The college entrance examination in spring includes cultural courses and professional courses. Cultural courses include Chinese, mathematics and English, while professional courses include professional theory and skills. Professional skills are tested in March every year, and cultural courses and professional theory are tested in May every year.
The above is a small arrangement of information, I hope to help the majority of candidates, I wish the majority of candidates admitted to the ideal university.

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