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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-05-04
With the advancement of the curriculum, the review of spring college entrance examination students in spring college entrance examination schools has entered the second round of review stage. The students in spring college entrance examination are at three o'clock every day, bearing a heavy learning burden. In the review process, students will inevitably encounter various difficulties, learning into a bottleneck, so how should candidates remove these obstacles?
(一)养成独立思考的习惯一般大多数学生都能做到上课认真听讲,然后把老师所讲的内容全部记录下来,然后总结归纳为各种不同的套路,再碰到类似的题目时可以凭着记忆把这些做题套路一一应用上去。这样做看似平时的考试成绩不错,其实只是假象,并没有培养起真 正的思维能力和在遇到新题型时独立思考的能力。在这种情况下,一旦在考场上遇到平时从未练过的新题型,就会思维停滞,不知道该如何下手,整个考试也就乱了阵脚。
(1) Develop the habit of independent thinking. Generally, most students can listen carefully in class, and then record all the contents of the teacher, and then summarize them into various routines. When encountering similar problems, they can apply these routines one by one with memory. It seems that the usual examination results are good, but in fact, it is just a fake. It does not cultivate the real thinking ability and the ability to think independently when encountering new questions. In this case, once you encounter a new type of question that you have never practiced in the examination room, you will stop thinking and don't know how to start, and the whole exam will be in a mess.
To cultivate the habit of independent thinking, our spring college entrance examinees should not be limited to learning only under the guidance of teachers, they need to pay more attention to the cultivation of the ability to explore knowledge independently. It is required to pay attention to the independent understanding of books at ordinary times. At the same time, when encountering new problems, don't rush to ask for advice. When you can't solve them after independent thinking, you can ask questions to teachers or classmates. In this way, you will listen purposefully when you get answers, and know where there is a problem in your way of thinking or which knowledge point is not well mastered.
(2) The cultivation of initiative and self-consciousness initiative learning requires to be interested in learning and actively explore new knowledge instead of waiting passively and relying on others. For example, there are many students in every class. No matter how many questions they have accumulated in their heart, they are unwilling to ask questions to their teachers or classmates. I always learn what the teacher says. This kind of learning state is very incorrect. As time goes by, learning will become more and more difficult. When encountering the same type of questions, I still don't know how to do it, and I'm not willing to ask questions, which leads to a vicious circle.
Self consciousness requires that every day has its own plan, rather than let the teacher lead the nose. According to their own actual situation, every day to develop different learning plans, consciously complete. This can not only improve the efficiency of learning, but also cultivate a positive attitude. Imagine that if a person completes the learning task under the pressure of the teacher every day, he will not be in a good mood, and he will gradually lose his interest and motivation in learning.
(3) To improve self-confidence, don't underestimate the influence of self-confidence on the usual study and examination results. If a person loses to others in the initial morale or has no confidence in doing something, then the probability of success in this thing is probably very small. In the examination process, if you always doubt that your answers are not correct, it will take a lot of time to check again and again, and it will affect your mood and test results.
Therefore, if you dare to think and do, and believe in your own ability, you will surely succeed.
Time is always inadvertently slip away, closer and closer to us, I hope candidates can grasp the next short review time, for their own future.
The above is the introduction of "how to remove the review obstacles and examination obstacles". I believe you all know about it. For more wonderful information, please click our website: Shandong spring college entrance examination http://www.wanzhi100.com .

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