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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-11-13
1、 Viewing Disciplines
It should be noted that subject ≠ major. Simply put, disciplines are in terms of knowledge systems, while majors are in terms of social division of labor. A major may require a synthesis of multiple disciplines (such as civil engineering, which may involve disciplines such as mechanics, geology, computer science, and technology), while a discipline can be applied in different professional fields (such as fluid mechanics, which may be used in majors such as mechanics, civil engineering, architecture, aerospace, etc.).
The high ranking of the discipline means that the relevant professional strength of the discipline is strong. When filling out the college entrance examination application, you can refer to the subject evaluation results of the Ministry of Education as a reference basis.
Regarding the subject evaluation of the Ministry of Education:
The evaluation results of the Ministry of Education's disciplines are presented in a "tiered" manner, with the top 70% of disciplines being published in 9 tiers. The top 2% (or top 2) are A+, 2-5% are A -, 5-10% are A -, 10-20% are B+, 20-30% are B -, 30-40% are B -, 40-50% are C+, 50-60% are C, and 60-70% are C. The higher the ranking, the stronger the disciplinary strength.
2、 Look at the name of the school before it was renamed
It actually depends on the name of the school when it was established. At the beginning of a school's establishment, the school name mostly reflects the existing or stronger majors. For example, Donghua University was renamed as "China Textile University", not only a national brand, but also reflects that textile is an advantageous major. So in the field of fashion design, there is a saying: "North North suits South East China. Here, Beifu refers to "Beijing Institute of Fashion", and Donghua refers to "Donghua University".
Similar schools include Beijing University of Science and Technology, formerly known as Beijing Institute of Iron and Steel Industry. Furthermore, Zhejiang University of Technology, formerly known as the "Hangzhou Silkworm Academy", is also known as the "Higher Silkworm Academy".
3、 Look at the categories of schools
For universities classified according to the advantages of different schools, it is also recommended to choose relevant majors such as "science and engineering", "teacher training", "political and legal", and "medicine".
4、 Check if there are master's and doctoral programs in the major and the types of schools
For high school students, it may seem like a long way off to discuss pursuing a master's or doctoral degree. However, if your chosen major has a master's or doctoral degree at our university, it not only proves that your major is quite capable, but also provides you with more choices when taking the postgraduate or doctoral entrance examination in the future.

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