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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-08-12
1. Different number of universities
The number of undergraduate institutions in the spring college entrance examination is small, while the number of regular undergraduate institutions is large. Because the spring college entrance examination itself is a form of college entrance examination designed to alleviate the pressure, students who participate in the spring college entrance examination can still participate in the summer college entrance examination if their grades are not ideal. Therefore, major higher education institutions generally do not enroll students in spring, with only a small number of undergraduate institutions in agriculture, forestry, and geology and mining enrolling students in spring. The vast majority of these colleges enroll students who are not satisfied with the summer college entrance examination. As regular undergraduate students enroll during the summer college entrance examination, the number of universities that enroll includes all higher education institutions in the country is significantly higher than that of undergraduate universities in the spring college entrance examination.
2. Different number of majors
The number of undergraduate majors in the spring college entrance examination is small, while the number of regular undergraduate majors is large. As mentioned earlier, the number of undergraduate colleges and universities in the spring college entrance examination is small. Generally, the majors recruited are relatively unpopular, such as agriculture, forestry, and geology. Most of them are majors that candidates are unwilling to apply for. On the other hand, regular undergraduate programs are different, including all majors in 13 university disciplines such as philosophy, management, economics, art, engineering, and science, covering all the admission majors of universities. Therefore, the number of undergraduate majors in the spring college entrance examination is not on the same order of magnitude as that of regular undergraduate majors.
3. Candidates have different choices
There are more options for undergraduate programs in the spring college entrance examination, but fewer options for regular undergraduate programs. Undergraduate colleges and universities in the spring college entrance examination have greater autonomy in enrollment plans and enrollment numbers, allowing candidates different choices. Even if there are fewer majors, candidates have greater autonomy in choosing and choosing universities. Ordinary undergraduate students can only be admitted according to established admission strategies and methods, with limited options for both candidates and universities. They must follow prescribed procedures and rules for admission.
4. Different levels of social recognition
The recognition of undergraduate programs in the spring college entrance examination is low in society, while the recognition of regular undergraduate programs is high. Although the spring college entrance examination has gone through some years and has been piloted in different provinces since its launch, it has not been fully launched. The important reason is that society has low recognition of the undergraduate program in the spring college entrance examination. Therefore, some provinces have already cancelled the spring college entrance examination, and universities that originally enrolled in the spring college entrance examination have also withdrawn from the list of undergraduate admissions in the spring college entrance examination. However, the regular college entrance examination for undergraduate students is different. Since the restoration of the college entrance examination system, the summer college entrance examination has become a default exam in society, with a profound impact.

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