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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-07-29
在春季高考中,虽然英语所占分值并不多,但是也存在拉分现象。 在所有学科中,英语应该是小学、初中、高中、大学甚至研究生最重要和最基础的课程。
In the spring college entrance examination, although English does not account for much of the score, there is also a phenomenon of pulling scores. Among all subjects, English should be the most important and fundamental course for elementary, middle, high, university, and even graduate students.
1. There is no other shortcut to learning English besides hard work.
In the process of learning English, it is necessary to find methods, rather than memorizing words or texts.
2. 充分利用你的晨读。
2. Make full use of your morning reading.
To truly learn English quickly, it is definitely better to find one-on-one foreign teachers, but we basically do not have such conditions. Therefore, we only read out the words and texts in the textbook in the morning to form a sense of language in the future and practice them in daily life.
3. Pay attention to textbooks.
In the study of the English subject of the Spring College Entrance Examination, we must learn the textbooks well. Words, grammar and sentence patterns in the textbooks are the most basic knowledge. Whether it is the Spring College Entrance Examination or the Summer College Entrance Examination, almost all of the content comes from the textbooks. Only by integrating and communicating the knowledge in the textbooks, it is not difficult to achieve good test results. Why do many people think their English scores are not ideal? Because the knowledge in textbooks may not be mastered in a timely manner.
4. Vocabulary is the foundation.
Please carry a vocabulary book with you, that is, use a small amount of time every day, which may solve the problem of English vocabulary.
5. Learning English repeatedly is the greatest secret.
Our students' poor English proficiency is mainly due to insufficient repetition. The fundamental solution to learning English is to repeatedly listen, imitate, speak, read, and write.

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