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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-06-21
1、 Effectively avoiding the disadvantage of students' poor cultural foundation
In addition to public courses such as Chinese, mathematics, and English, the vocational education college entrance examination also requires comprehensive professional subjects. By utilizing the advantages of professional courses, one can make up for the disadvantage of poor cultural foundation and easily enter university.
2、 High probability of college entrance examination
The vocational education college entrance examination faces students from vocational schools and is a competition among vocational school students. The number of people participating in the vocational education college entrance examination is relatively small, with low difficulty and fewer questions, and the level of competition is much lower than that of the ordinary college entrance examination. In recent years, with the vigorous development of vocational education by the country, more universities have transformed into application-oriented universities, expanding the enrollment proportion of vocational education college entrance examination, allowing more vocational education students to pass the vocational education college entrance examination and, like general high school students, take specialized courses, upgrade to undergraduate courses, and pursue graduate studies, opening the door to further education.
3、 Smooth path for vocational education integration
The "3+4", five-year consistent system, and the third to second consecutive education have opened up the path between vocational and secondary schools. The so-called "3+4" refers to the corresponding segmented training between vocational schools for 3 years and undergraduate universities for 4 years. Five year consistent vocational education, also known as "junior high school starting point junior college education", allows junior high school graduates to directly enter vocational colleges for 5 years of study after reaching the school admission line. Upon completion of their studies, they are issued a nationally recognized junior college diploma and can also participate in the college entrance examination to continue their undergraduate studies. The "32 consecutive studies" in vocational colleges refer to the registration and examination organized by the city's enrollment department for fresh junior high school graduates who participate in the middle school entrance examination and are selected for admission in advance. After studying in vocational schools for 3 years, students who pass the assessment are directly promoted to the corresponding vocational colleges for 2 years. Upon completion of their academic performance, they are awarded a specialized graduation certificate.
4、 Good future employment situation
Vocational colleges adhere to the market orientation and closely meet the needs of economic and social development to set up majors, such as automobile application and maintenance, electronic technology, information technology, financial accounting, preschool education, e-commerce, etc.
The vocational education college entrance examination does not allow ordinary fresh high school graduates to apply, which is a major change. At this point, vocational school students will usher in the peak of further education for the first time. Vocational school students can also go to vocational colleges, undergraduate programs, postgraduate entrance exams, and even doctoral programs after graduation. Having solid professional skills while also possessing a high degree, vocational school students have an unlimited future in participating in the vocational education college entrance examination.
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