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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-06-07
Easy chemistry exam tasks
The art student exam requires a unified or school exam, and the exam content and scores are the same as the cultural class exam in the summer exam. Relatively speaking, the spring college entrance examination is much easier, and the study of professional courses and cultural courses in the spring examination is carried out simultaneously, which can effectively avoid forgetting caused by the shelving of cultural courses.
The expenditure is significantly lower than that of the art exam
The tutoring, school entrance examination, and exam fees for art candidates all require a large amount of expenses. To participate in the spring college entrance examination, only regular classes are required and exam fees are paid. Compared to the two, the expenses for the spring entrance examination are significantly lower than those for the art examination.
High enrollment rate
From the perspective of the development trend of vocational education, from the spring college entrance examination in Shandong Province to 2022, the undergraduate enrollment of vocational education college entrance examination will expand sevenfold, and the enrollment rate will greatly increase.
No matter how many people apply for the art exam, the number of places to enter university is certain, and with the popularity of the art exam, the annual admission rate of art candidates is now less than 30%, which has generated cannon fodder.
Wide selection range
From the perspective of the selection range of majors, the spring exam includes 18 major options for students to choose from, meeting their learning interests from multiple perspectives.
Once an art student chooses a major, the difficulty of transformation is very high. If they fail to meet the requirements of cultural courses, their chances of being admitted to university are relatively low.
The channels for vocational school students to enter high-quality undergraduate universities through the vocational education college entrance examination are smooth and the number is increasing year by year, which is not only conducive to vocational school students' advancement and success, but also effectively enhances the cultivation ability of high-level applied technical and skilled talents in undergraduate universities.
The spring college entrance examination in Shandong Province is a form of enrollment for ordinary universities in Shandong Province, which is parallel to the summer college entrance examination. It mainly focuses on college level enrollment and arranges some undergraduate programs, mainly targeting graduates from secondary vocational schools and ordinary high schools. Unified proposition and exam organization by Shandong Province.
The total score of the spring college entrance examination is 750 points, with 120 points for Chinese and mathematics, and 80 points for English; Skill score is 230 points; The theoretical score is 200 points. The exam is held in March each year to assess professional skills, and in May to assess professional theory and cultural courses.

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