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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-04-17
The so-called parallel intention refers to a willingness that includes several institutions with equal positions. When filling in the college entrance examination wishes, candidates can simultaneously fill in the wishes of several parallel universities in a designated batch. When admitting, stop submitting according to the principle of "score first, follow your wishes, search multiple times, and submit once". For candidates who have not been admitted on the same subject score line, stop submitting once according to the total score ranking from high to low, that is, all candidates are arranged in a queue, and those with high scores will be submitted first.
When each candidate applies, they will apply to the top ranked institution with a balance based on the institution they have filled in. What are the characteristics of parallel intentions? Score priority. Before searching for candidates' preferences, first sort all candidates by subject category according to their total score, from highest to lowest. When searching for submissions, first search for the preferences of several universities filled out by the top candidates, and confirm the submission in the order of preference. Retrieve the wishes of several universities filled in by the second ranked candidates, and so 
Following one's wishes. There is a logical order of the intentions of several universities that candidates fill in. When searching for the college preferences filled in by candidates, the logical order is A, B, C, D... The colleges are sequentially stopped. When the total score of a candidate meets the criteria for admission to A school that was first retrieved, and A school has a plan balance, the student is admitted to A school.
Multiple searches, one submission. That is, according to the confirmed filing ratio of each enrollment institution, submit the electronic files of eligible candidates to each enrollment institution. Once a candidate's file is submitted, the candidate's subsequent intentions will no longer be retrieved. Therefore, for candidates, there is only one submission opportunity. That is to say, once a candidate is expelled from a university for various reasons.

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