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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2023-04-07
As the spring exam approaches, how should students review and prepare for the exam? In fact, a good method still requires repeated practice. Below, the teacher of the Jinan Spring College Entrance Examination will introduce an effective and easy to implement method: trying to recall.
The so-called attempt to recall is to recall the content learned in the classroom. Some people compare it to 'rumination', like a cow or sheep, where food that has already entered the stomach is returned to the mouth for careful chewing. This method is actually checking oneself and forcing oneself to engage in thinking activities. The teacher told everyone that the benefits of trying to recall can be manifested in at least four aspects:
(1) Can check the effectiveness of classroom learning
In the process of trying to recall, if one can correctly recall all or most of the content learned in the classroom, it can prove that their preview and classroom learning are effective. In order to accurately test the effectiveness of one's previewing and classroom learning, when attempting to recall, do not read books or listen to class notes first, and wait until one cannot come up with them before reading or listening to class notes. To deepen memory, you can also write down the main content while thinking. This will have a better effect on trying to recall.
(2) Can improve memory ability
Since trying to recall is a positive thinking activity, it can reproduce the knowledge learned in the mind before entering a forgotten state, which is of course beneficial for memory retention.
(3) Can improve the enthusiasm for reading and organizing notes
By trying to recall and repeating the content learned in the classroom in your mind, what you remember is often what you already understand, and what you don't remember is what you don't grasp. This indicates that memory happens to be a check on learning effectiveness. For those learning materials that come up with ideas, they naturally rush to read or take notes. In this way, it stimulates the enthusiasm for reading and organizing notes, and consciously makes the forgotten content the focus of the review, making the review targeted.
(4) Ability to cultivate thinking skills
When trying to recall, one will reflect on the process of thinking, and the spring college entrance examination training school should also summarize the content of classroom learning. And once you can't think of it, you still have to do everything possible to find clues to memories, which is undoubtedly doing 'memory gymnastics'. Therefore, a student who frequently attempts to recall not only improves their memory ability, but also their thinking ability to a certain extent.
The above are some effective learning methods shared by the teacher, hoping to be helpful to everyone. Of course, if you have any doubts or needs about the spring exam, please come to our website http://www.wanzhi100.com Consult and understand!

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