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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-06-20
In fact, some students are extroverted and more willing to communicate with others when they choose to major in the spring college entrance examination. They like to deal with people. Now let's talk about what the extroverted students' spring exam majors are suitable for.
1. preschool education
Under the severe employment situation of many college graduates, the employment of normal school graduates has shown a gratifying situation of oversupply, which has risen instead of falling for many years. Therefore, the number of students majoring in pre-school education in the spring college entrance examination is increasing year by year, and the admission line of pre-school education in the spring college entrance examination is also constantly improving. In the professional skills test of pre-school education in the spring college entrance examination, the children in the HKCEE tell stories, which is more suitable for extroverted students.
Most of the students majoring in pre-school education in Shandong spring college entrance examination will choose to be teachers. As a teacher, communication with students and parents is inevitable, so for extroverted students, it is most appropriate to apply for the exam.
2. marketing
The training of marketing major of spring college entrance examination meets the needs of modern market economy, has humanistic spirit, scientific literacy and integrity, master the basic theories and methods of management, economics and marketing, master the professional skills of marketing, have comprehensive application related knowledge, be able to find and solve actual marketing problems, and be able to engage in marketing research, marketing planning, advertising planning, sales management and other marketing businesses, Manage applied and compound professionals.
After graduation, I can engage in market research, marketing planning, advertising planning, market development, marketing management, marketing services, teaching and scientific research, and I also need to communicate.
3. Tourism Management
Shandong spring college entrance examination tourism management major is a new subject with the development of China's tourism economy and tourism industry. It is also a primary discipline of management. This major cultivates front-line service management professionals who meet the needs of Tourism Institutions under the new situation, have professional knowledge of tourism management, good ideological and moral quality and comprehensive quality, and have strong comprehensive business ability and development foundation. And tourism enterprises and institutions engaged in tourism management.
After graduation, I can engage in tourism planning, tourism development, tourism management, scenic spot management, tour guide, tourism consulting, etc., and interact with people.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.wanzhi100.com 。

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