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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-06-17
What are the majors of Shandong spring college entrance examination?
Crop production, forest fruit and vegetable production, animal husbandry, mining technology, engineering calculation, engineering measurement, construction technology, website construction, image processing, network construction, electrical technology, electronic technology, electromechanical technology, vehicle maintenance technology, machinery manufacturing technology, machinery maintenance technology, chemical analysis and inspection, chemical production technology, traditional Chinese medicine practice; Pharmaceutical practice, clothing computer style design, clothing manual printing and sewing, nursing operation technology, basic medical skills, rehabilitation technology, accounting computerization, accounting manual operation, commodity sales skills, e-commerce, international business, logistics technology, Chinese food processing, Western food cooking, restaurant service and management, Chinese tour guide, public relations secretary, preschool education, primary education, etc.
What are the conditions for applying for the spring exam?
Spring examination is a unified entrance examination for secondary vocational school graduates and ordinary high school graduates. Shandong Province unifies propositions and organizes examinations, mainly to select qualified students for higher vocational colleges. However, ordinary high school graduates can also apply for the summer college entrance examination.
What subjects should I study in the spring college entrance examination?
The subjects of the spring examination are Chinese, mathematics and English, professional theories and skills, with 120 points for Chinese, 120 points for mathematics and 80 points for English. Under the guidance of spring test School of Academy of Sciences, the scores of three subjects are about 210, the scores of basic professional theories are about 150-170, and the scores of professional skills are more than 200 (the specific requirements are determined according to different majors and test difficulties).
What major should I study in the spring exam?
The choice of major in the spring exam needs to see two points: one is the undergraduate admission rate, and the other is the employment prospect after graduation. According to the spring test teacher of Shanxi Academy of Sciences, these are the two key points for all students to choose their majors. Current hot Majors: medicine: medical technology; Nursing and information technology: digital media and network technology; Commerce: e-commerce, logistics management; Preschool education.
Is it difficult for Shandong spring college entrance examination?
Many students who want to take the spring exam are afraid of learning difficulties. The spring exam may be slightly more difficult than the high school academic level exam. After all, the students who take part in the spring test have a poor foundation, and the spring test is a way for middle school students to take the high school test, and the difficulty can be imagined.
Can I get an undergraduate degree in the spring exam?
of course. The original intention of the spring exam is to let middle school students go to college. In addition, the spring college entrance examination is the same as the summer college entrance examination. There is no difference between graduation certificates. The spring exam is the same as the summer exam. If you want to go to a good undergraduate school, it depends on your grades. So as long as your grades are good, you can naturally go to a good undergraduate school.
The above is the relevant content about the problem shared for you today. I hope it can help you. If you want to know more, you can contact us by phone or follow our website http://www.wanzhi100.com 。

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