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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-04-30
  Which colleges and universities can recruit students through vocational education college entrance examination? This is a question that many parents also want to know, and actually it depends on the perception of vocational education. Let's briefly analyze this question today.
  Vocational college entrance examination is a further reform on the basis of the skill-based college entrance examination, expanding the scope of colleges and universities to recruit students. It tries to make “vocational education college entrance examination” equal to the general college entrance examination, and consolidate and enhance the status of vocational education as a type of education.
  Due to the social prejudice faced by vocational education, many local undergraduate colleges and universities, which should take vocational education as the orientation of education, have a certain degree of anxiety about the orientation of vocational education, leading to the disconnection between the structure and quality of higher education personnel training and social needs.
  To establish the “vocational education college entrance examination” system, it should be clear that higher vocational colleges, vocational education undergraduate colleges and application-oriented undergraduate colleges can recruit students through the “vocational education college entrance examination”. Moreover, in order to guide the society to change the recognition of vocational education and “vocational education college entrance examination”, some comprehensive colleges and universities can also recruit students through “vocational education college entrance examination”.
  Colleges and universities that adopt the college entrance examination for vocational education will include higher vocational colleges, vocational education colleges and application-oriented colleges, not just higher vocational colleges. The new college entrance examination reform is promoting classified college entrance examination, which is divided into academic college entrance examination and skill-based college entrance examination.
  The technical college entrance examination is aimed at higher vocational colleges. Vocational colleges can recruit students not only through the general college entrance examination, but also through the skill-based college entrance examination. Among them, according to the deployment of the education department, recruitment through the skill-based college entrance examination has become the main channel of higher vocational college enrollment. The college entrance examination for vocational education is not only applicable to higher vocational colleges, but also can be used by all colleges and majors of higher vocational education.
  Which colleges and universities can recruit students through vocational education college entrance examination? The above is the related content of the problem, if you still do not understand the problem, welcome to the website www.wanzhi100.com for consultation.

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