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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-04-26
  Many parents will worry about their children's admission problems, anxiety about their children's low educational background, employment difficulties. In fact, vocational education college entrance examination has prepared a variety of ways for junior high school graduates to enter college, helping vocational school students to enter college easily. Here we come to understand what is the professional knowledge of vocational education college entrance examination.
  Vocational education college entrance examination refers to the entrance to university through the form of pairing, vocational education college entrance examination in different places will have different names, such as: spring college entrance examination, classified examination, vocational single enrollment, vocational expansion and so on. Pair-up can be simply understood as other forms of college entrance examination.
  The specific meaning of vocational education college entrance examination refers to the secondary school students in the study to choose a single admission, five years of system or 3+ certificate after the examination. Vocational college entrance examination subjects only test English three, is for technical secondary school, technical school, vocational school, vocational high school and veterans of the five types of university, undergraduate and master's only way.
  Whether you read “3+2”, “3+3” or “3+4”, you need understand that the previous “3” refers to the study of vocational high school, technical secondary school or technical school, the length of schooling is three years. Behind this “+” refers to technical secondary school, vocational high school, technical school. When reading the 3rd year, can take an examination of an university through the form of the pair of vocational education college entrance examination, can take an examination of full-time junior college, undergraduate course record of formal schooling directly.
  Through vocational education counterpart college entrance examination university. Take an examination of good, take an examination of undergraduate course is to read 4 years, this is 3+4 schooling system, what graduate takes is the diploma of full-time undergraduate course. Take an examination of undergraduate course, take an examination of junior college, so read for three years, this is 3+3 schooling system. Graduation with a full-time unified college degree.
  Core reminder -- whether it is 3+3 or 3+4 schooling system, can get a full-time unified diploma, and high school to participate in the general college entrance examination to take the diploma is no difference.
  The above is to understand what is the professional knowledge of vocational education college entrance examination related content, if parents and children are interested in it, we must seize the opportunity, the opportunity waits for no one is this, more questions you can come to www.wanzhi100.com for consultation!

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