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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-03-17
Point 1: properties and images of functions
The nature of function is the cornerstone of the study of elementary function and the key content of the college entrance examination. In the review, we should work hard on the in-depth understanding of the definition
Reviewing the properties of functions can start with understanding the definitions of monotonicity and parity of functions from two aspects of "number" and "shape", consolidate in judging and proving the properties of functions, and deepen in the process of finding the monotonic interval of composite functions, the maximum value of functions and application problems. The specific requirements are as follows:
1. Correctly understand the definition of monotonicity and parity of function, accurately judge the parity of function and the monotonicity of function in a certain interval, and skillfully use the definition to prove the monotonicity and parity of function
2. Understand the monotonicity and parity of function from the perspective of the combination of number and shape, deepen the understanding and application of the geometric characteristics of function properties, and summarize the common methods of finding the maximum and minimum of function
3. Train students to analyze problems from the viewpoint of movement change, and improve students' ability to solve problems with mathematical ideas and methods such as yuan exchange, transformation and combination of numbers and shapes
The focus of this part is the in - depth understanding of the definitions of monotonicity and parity of functions
The monotonicity of function can only be discussed in the domain of function definition. The monotonicity of function y = f (x) in a given interval reflects the change trend of function value in the interval. It is the overall property of function in the interval, but not necessarily the overall property of function in the domain of definition. The monotonicity of function is for a certain interval, so it is limited by the interval

To understand the definition of function parity, we should not only stay in the two equations of F (- x) = f (x) and f (- x) = f (x). It should be clear that for any X in the definition field, there is f (- x) = f (x), and the essence of F (- x) = f (x) is that the definition field of function is symmetrical about the origin. This is a necessary condition for the function to have parity. A little generalization, The necessary and sufficient condition for the symmetry of the image of function f (x) with respect to straight line x = a is that f (x + a) = f (A-X) holds for any X in the definition domain. The parity of function is the reflection of the special symmetry of its corresponding image
The difficulty in this part is the comprehensive application of the monotonicity and parity of the function. According to the known conditions, mobilizing relevant knowledge and selecting appropriate methods to solve problems are high requirements for students' ability
The image of function is the visual carrier of function properties, and the properties of function can be intuitively expressed through the image of function.
Therefore, mastering the image of function is the key to learn the nature of function, which is the embodiment of "the combination of number and shape". When reviewing function images, pay attention to the following aspects.
1. Master the two basic methods of drawing function images - point drawing method and image transformation method
2. Be able to use function images to further study the properties of functions and solve problems in equations and inequalities
3. Analyze and solve mathematical problems with the idea of combination of number and shape, classified discussion and transformation
4. Master the connection between knowledge and further cultivate the ability of observation, analysis, induction, generalization and comprehensive analysis
There are two methods of making images with functions expressed analytically, namely, list point drawing method and image transformation method. Mastering these two methods is the focus of this section
When using the point drawing method to make an image, we should avoid the blindness before the point drawing, and we should also avoid blindly connecting points into lines. We should list the table at the key place and connect the lines at the appropriate place. This requires a general study on the existing range, general characteristics and change trend of the image to be drawn. This study should rely on the theories and means of function properties, equations, inequalities and so on, It is a difficult point. When using image transformation method to make function image, it is necessary to determine which kind of function image is the basis for transformation and what kind of transformation is determined. This is also a difficult point

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