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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2022-02-01
一 、三角函数题
1、 Trigonometric function problem
Pay attention to the correctness of the normalization formula and induction formula [when transforming into a trigonometric function with the same name and the same angle, when applying the normalization formula and induction formula (odd change and even unchanged; the symbol looks at the quadrant), it is easy to make mistakes due to carelessness! If you are careless, you will lose everything!].
二 导数
Second derivative
The derivative part may be difficult for most candidates, and it is always the wrong to do big questions, but in fact, there is a fast and direct way to solve the derivative questions
Put the required a on one side and the others on the other side, and then derive the formula on the other side, find the range, and then find the range of A.
三 向量
Three vector
In general, the questions about vectors in college entrance examination papers are parallel and vertical relationship and point multiplication. These two test points are not very difficult. The solution process depends on the formula, so just remember the formula.
四 不等式
Four inequalities
The only difficulty in the inequality is the "mean inequality".
在高考中也经常会出现这样的题型:如果X>0,y>0,且 x+y=1,则 1/x+9/y的最小值为——。这种题乍一看比较混乱,因为没有办法凑,但其实只要把1换成x+y,9换成9(x+y)就可以了。
In the college entrance examination, such questions often appear: if x > 0, Y > 0, and X + y = 1, the minimum value of 1 / x + 9 / y is -. At first glance, this kind of problem is confusing because there is no way to get together, but in fact, it is only necessary to replace 1 with x + y and 9 with 9 (x + y).
五 立体几何
Five dimensional geometry
In the college entrance examination, if there are three-dimensional geometry questions, we must draw "auxiliary lines". As for how to draw, we should ask questions according to the known and given questions.
六 数列
Six sequence
There are two situations about the college entrance examination series:
One is an = n
Second, an = you just can't understand.

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