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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-12-20
The spring college entrance examination also eased the pressure of entering middle school to a certain extent and created a relaxed environment for the full implementation of quality education. Moreover, the spring college entrance examination provides an opportunity for colleges and universities to expand the scale of enrollment, creates conditions for colleges and universities to explore and implement the credit system, and is conducive to improving the efficiency of running schools, accelerating the professional transformation of colleges and universities, and accelerating the reform of teaching and management. Since the spring college entrance examination, the spring enrollment has achieved successful experience and had a good impact on the society.
To put it bluntly, it's a single move
It's OK to participate, but you must not listen to any recommendation from the teacher. You must understand the school and the rules. Many junk schools collude with high school teachers to send students in order to meet their enrollment targets. We should guard against these.
If I go to the college entrance examination, I'm afraid I can't even go to the worst college. The spring exam took the undergraduate line of last year's undergraduate course, but there were a lot more people in my spring exam, and the cheating in the examination in the township was very serious, which was 40 points higher than the undergraduate line. Then I applied for one of the best junior colleges in the province, and then took the post-secondary examination, and graduated this year.
The main differences are as follows
1. The examination contents are different: the contents of spring college entrance examination: language number, professional skill examination and professional theory examination; Summer college entrance examination content: language and number, science and literature.
2. Different ways of proposition: the spring college entrance examination is a unified proposition and examination organized by various provinces, mainly for the enrollment of higher vocational colleges; Summer college entrance examination is a national unified proposition and organized examination, mainly in undergraduate and junior colleges.
3. Different enrollment objects: the enrollment objects of spring college entrance examination are mainly secondary vocational students and senior high school students; The enrollment objects of the summer college entrance examination are mainly high school students, but secondary vocational schools can also apply for the examination;
4. The examination time is different: the spring college entrance examination skill examination is in March, the culture examination is in May, and the summer college entrance examination is in June.
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