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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-12-16
It is less difficult than the college entrance examination
60% of the enrollment plans of most colleges participating in the single enrollment of higher vocational colleges are arranged in the single enrollment of higher vocational colleges, that is, it is more difficult to be admitted to some higher vocational colleges through the college entrance examination in June than the single enrollment of higher vocational colleges.
Increase admission probability
In June, the college entrance examination faced a backwater battle and great pressure. It has long been joked as "thousands of troops crowded into a single wooden bridge". In contrast, the difficulty requirements of the higher vocational single recruit examination in March are relatively low, which is more inclined to the examination of practical ability and comprehensive quality, and the proportion of enrollment and admission is more reasonable. Even if they are not admitted by the ideal school, they can continue to participate in the National College entrance examination in June. Therefore, the pressure of candidates is relatively small, which is conducive to giving full play to the good state of the examination and increasing the admission probability.
Two admission opportunities
The single entrance examination of higher vocational education consists of two parts: cultural quality test and vocational skill test. Among them, all candidates who participate in Higher Vocational single recruitment (except exemption students) need to participate in the cultural quality test. Different from last year, this year's candidates take the cultural examination at the examination sites set up by the registration districts and counties, which is convenient and saves time and cost. At the time of admission, candidates who have passed the cultural quality test but have not been pre admitted can fill in the second voluntary form.
Professional and practical, good employment
Vocational college students are easy to find jobs. This is mainly because the majors set up in higher vocational colleges are oriented to basic practical skills and pay more attention to the combination of knowledge and skills, which is conducive to cultivating students' down-to-earth concept and more in line with the social demand for applied technical talents. Higher vocational students should combine learning with learning in school and strengthen vocational skill training. Higher vocational colleges emphasize the cultivation of students' practical ability and vocational and technical ability. Students can master the practical skills of the current post through internship, training and other links, and can get started quickly after arriving at the enterprise. At the same time, the training cycle is short and the tuition fee is low. You can also apply for scholarships and grants.
Graduation treatment is the same
The separate enrollment of higher vocational education belongs to the college level of full-time general higher vocational education, that is, it also belongs to the category of "unified enrollment". For the candidates admitted by the single enrollment of higher vocational colleges, except that they can not transfer schools or majors during their study in school, the rest of the treatment is exactly the same as that of the candidates uniformly admitted by the national colleges and universities. Therefore, there is no need to worry about discrimination in employment.
You can take the post-secondary examination
Graduates of higher vocational colleges have the way of "upgrading from college to college", and with the gradual deepening of the reform of college entrance examination, the proportion of "upgrading from college to college" will gradually increase. Candidates can also obtain bachelor's degree through adult college entrance examination and self-study examination. At the same time, the channel from undergraduate to professional master and doctor is also very smooth. As long as we make certain efforts, we can become high-tech talents.
What are the disadvantages of choosing a single move
The "disadvantage" lies in the poor ability of ordinary high school graduates to grasp the professional course examination. The examination of specialized courses for independent enrollment focuses on the teaching content of secondary vocational schools. It is determined according to the professional courses that have been studied in various majors of secondary vocational schools. The examination subjects of different majors are different. For students of secondary vocational schools, it is the content they have learned, and for ordinary high and middle school students, it is the new content they have never touched, It is much stranger than liberal arts or science. Most high school candidates only decide to participate in the separate enrollment examination in the third year of senior high school. The time for learning professional courses is limited. In addition, limited by their own learning ability conditions, it is not easy for candidates to meet the basic requirements of the professional examination even if they participate in the corresponding tutorial. It is even more difficult to enter the ideal school and major.

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