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来源:http://www.wanzhi100.com/ 发布时间:2021-12-10
"Four wings" are the examination requirements of the college entrance examination, that is, "basic, comprehensive, applied and innovative", and answer the question of "how to take the examination".
1. "Basic" requirements are mainly reflected in students' basic knowledge, basic ability and basic quality to adapt to university learning or social development, including comprehensive and reasonable knowledge structure, solid and flexible ability requirements and healthy and sound personality quality.
2. The requirement of "comprehensiveness" is mainly reflected in that students can comprehensively use the knowledge and ideological methods of different disciplines, observe and think from multiple angles, find, analyze and solve problems.
3.“应用性”  要求主要体现在学生要能够善于观察现象、主动灵活地应用所学知识分析和解决实际问题,学以致用,具备较强的理论联系实际能力和实践能力。
3. "Application" requirements are mainly reflected in that students should be good at observing phenomena, actively and flexibly apply their knowledge to analyze and solve practical problems, apply what they have learned, and have strong ability to integrate theory with practice and practice.
4. The requirement of "innovation" is mainly reflected in that students should have independent thinking ability and critical and innovative thinking mode.
The most important thing is to clarify the "four levels" of what to test: "core value", "discipline literacy", "key problems" and "necessary knowledge".

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